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Rick Taylor's ULTIMATE PrimeTimes Software for Windows
Opening Screen
Simply enter where you are and what you are going after.

To find your exact longitude and latitude, click on either the "U.S. Cities," "U.S. Map," or "By Zip Code" buttons.
When all your selections are made, clicking the "DONE" button takes you to the Activity Screen (below).

Activity Screen

Today's activity times of your quarry in your location.

At the top of the screen, the blue text displays the data you entered from the previous screen, plus today's date.

The graph on the left with nine vertical bars (today is the middle one) shows the relativity of Today's Rating versus the four days before and after.

A main feature of Ultimate PrimeTimes is the "Today's Top Periods" list in order of their relative strength.

Then as a graphic aid, those same periods are displayed as colored boxes on the time line below, to show the ever-changing relationship of the lunar periods with the solar periods.

Notice the hour-long periods of Moonrise and Moonset (white boxes) on the time line. These could be minor periods.

In the screen's lower half, a key feature for anglers is the option to further "Fine Tune" the day's predictions to your current weather and water conditions. Simply make your selections, click "DONE," and Today's Rating and Today's Top Periods (in order) adjust to the new input.

The Four "Show All..." Buttons

See a list of all the Top Periods for any time frame you wish...even the entire year.

See any month's Best Days chart, as depicted in the PrimeTimes Wall Calendar.

See all the specific lunar data for any time frame...even the entire year.

See all the specific solar data for any time frame...even the entire year.

Click the LOG button and you can type in anything you want to record for that day.

Click the Save button to save each day's forecast.

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